Andrea Ryder, whom we know ... and do not know !!!!

Andrea Ryder, whom we know ... and do not know !!!!

Andrea Ryder, whom we know ... and do not know !!!!

During the research journey to write about Andrea Ryder I felt that I was living in a tale of "Tales of The Stranger" film surrounded by many rumors and narratives, and a few facts and documents. However, this feeling aroused my energy as a researcher and extended my passion and aspiration to knowledge. This also opened up a rich world of cinema and its music.

This book is a sincere attempt to approach the world of Andrea Ryder, this creator of Greek origin who loved Egypt where he lived in and made his masterpieces and integrated with its culture. Therefore, his works came to bear a blend of the character and aesthetics of Western and Arabic music. We deal with his life and his personal world and monitor with him his achievement of music, especially the film soundtracks while clarifying his distinctive style among a generation of geniuses in the history of the Egyptian film and music industry.